domingo, octubre 04, 2009

POOF The Magic Drag Queen

Talking to my danish friend Henry, who came to visit to Argentina.

Henry: So, already a year you split up?
Ushka: Yeahp... time flies when you live to the fullest.
Henry: What ever happened to him?
Ushka: Dunno. One day he just took off and... POOF!
Henry: Ooohhh! He was gay?
Ushka: No, I meant POOF as in dis...
Henry: What?
Ushka: You know what? At this point, I'm starting to think Doña Olga's theory fits perfectly.
Henry: You never heard from him again?
Ushka: No, but I'm pretty sure that- and here's where I start singing- "Poof the magic drag queen lives by the queers. And frolicks in the autumn mist in a land called Homo Lee".

2 comentarios:

Flor dijo...


Quizás habría que inventar un nuevo verbo para casos como estos.

-Qué pasó con él?
-Un día poofeó!

Julián Torrado dijo...

Seguro Hans te transcribió nuestra conversación de hoy. No te puedo explicar las ganas de ser deborado por la tierra cuando me contestó.

...cosas que pasan.